This is a blog about toe nail fungus. I had it, and now I think I should blog about how I cured it... or I think I cured it. I understand it can always come back. Ewwwwwww
First, I want to tell you not to get pedicures at local nail shops. I got it from at a nail spa, and have spent 3 months trying to get rid of it. I loved getting pedicures... but I have broken that habit. No WAY....
No matter how clean a salon looks, fungus spores are there! I love having pretty toes, and soft feet. Now, I do it myself, but without painting my toes. I live without it. I save 30 dollars and the heart ache of toe nail fungus.
Did I mention that the nail technitian ( who said she was my friend) repeatedly told me that the black on my toes was a bruise and NOT to worry about it. She knew it was fungus, but would not tell me the truth.
I should report the salon! But, that is another blog entirely.
Thank God I didn't listen to her and took matters to the web!
So, true confessions aside, it was a long way to happy toes ... the heart break!
If you have it, you can join 20% of the american population. You aren't alone and that is an understatement. There is power in numbers. It is rare that anyone will talk about it, but it's very common.
Here are some tips to getting your healthy toe nails back!
1. Get that toe nail in the sun. Don't paint your toes, any of them.
Take off the polish and leave it off. Fungus hates sunlight. That is why it grows so well under polish. It will always be there to haunt you if you don't attack it. My fungus has disapeared, but I am still treating my nails as if they had it. I think I will do so for at least a month. I put my unpolished clean toes in sandals. I also take every extra moment and let the toes sit in sunshine. The healing power of the sun really helps get that fungus to GO AWAY.
3. Don't wear closed toed shoes. If you have to wear them because of the weather, take sandals with you. Closed toed shoes allow your toes to hide and stay moist. You want dry clean toes. That is easiest if you keep them in open toed sandals. Closed toed shoes are damp and cause your toes to be cramped. I did read on the net that the pressure from closed toed shoes can increase the fungus issue. I also think fungus can keep growing in closed toed shoes, so you will reinfect yourself everytime you put those shoes on!!!!!! One fungus spore.. can bring the entire infection back! So beware and become a clean freak.
I live in Tucson, so the weather is warm all year. Sandals work out great. This is a good thing.
4. Fungus hates clean enviroments, so I wash my toes every morning like I am going into surgery. I take a toe nail brush and scrub them hard. I scrub all my toes, even those not infected.
Only my big toes, (both) were infected. I try to keep my feet a clean as possible during the day.
I garden, so in the mornings they do get dirty. This is why I scrub them so hard after my gardening duties are over. I use tea tree oil body wash soap (Wal Mart) . Scrub Scrub . If the fungus doesn't like it, it can leave... haha I actually scrub the whole foot... but I am a little anal.
Tea tree oil is an antisetic antifungal medication. You can get the true tea tree oil at any health food store. I have put the pure oil on in full strength a few times. It has a strong odor.
5. After a good cleaning I dry them off. and apply Sea Breeze liquid. Sea Breeze is an alcohol based product. I apply it with a cotton pad. I think this tip alone will bring you relief.
I found that fungus hates alcohol. Yeah!!!!!
6. Then I apply Mycocide. (Wal Mart $20.00) It is invaluable. I apply it liberally. Then I put on my sandals. Mycocide doesn't have an odor. As soon as I run out of it, I will stop applying it. I think I am at the stage where I can just keep the toes clean, in sunlight and dry. I will report back.
7. Always wear shoes. I use to go bear foot in the house, I don't any longer. Sandals keep your toes out of the dirt. Dirt is food for fungus... starve that fungus....
8. I trimmed the affected nail(s) back as far a possible. My toe nails were separated from the nail bed because of the fungus. (Bruise, I think not!) I trimmed all the nail back to the point the nail started to attach to the bed. I cut off a lot of nail. Almost half of the entire surface. This exposed the fungus to the air! Then I scrubbed all the fungus off, and cleaned the area and applied the Mycocide. This sounds like a lot to do, but I wanted my nails back. I will never let that happen to my nails again. I take great care of my feet now and feel great about it. I examine the toes every day and make sure that there is no sign of the big black fungus.
If you can treat/clean your toes twice a day, results were fairly quick. I am now only treating them in the mornings. I have no sign of fungus, and the nail bed looks healthy.
When I started the nail was completely black and lifting off toe. Scary but true.
You can do it... if you have had success please reply to this blog.
If you use different cures, pleaes let me know.
Thanks and good luck.
This small tear, or separation, can be caused by stubbing the toe or even by digging too deeply under the toenail while cleaning dirt from under the nail.Nailner Repair Brush