Here is a great blog on the subject I had never considered using lemon grass oil. If you have tried this product, please let me know how it works.
Earlier I blogged that sandals are the answer to keeping toe nail fungus away... I still believe this, but my new job requires that I wear closed toed shoes. NOW What....?
I guess I will where them, with socks... clean white socks. You do what is required, and hey, jobs are not easy to find.
I will take them off when I get home and dry out my shoes... wearing a different pair of shoes every day will help. Shoes that are dry, and clean must be better than dirty moist shoes. Glad I live in Tucson! It is very dry here, especially in September. I can take sandals with me in the car and change shoes in the car. In some parts of the world, this may be a problem.
I will keep you informed. EEEEEEGAD.....
As far as treatment goes, I am still scrubbing my toes every morning with Tea Tree oil soap, infused with real tea tree oil. ( As though my toes are going into surgery) I bought the product at Wal Mart and added my own pure Tea Tree oil in addition to what ever strength that it had in it. I really don't want the toe nail fungus to come back. Duh!!!!
I guess I went way over board in this endevour. But, hey, I could do worse. I do run out of nail brushes quite often. Don't ever let anyone else use your foot care tools, as fungus is contagious.
In addition to the extensive cleaning in the shower every morning, I put on Sea Breaze astringent. That alcohol based product really soaks into the nail and attacks the fungus, and appears to keep the black stuff away. I found out that the fungus can permanently change your nail growth, and act as a parasite to your body.
That's it ... no more toe nail medicine, as all indications are that the fungus has gone.
I still put my toes in the sun whenever possible. The healing power of the sun was key to the removal of the fungus.
And I wear shoes/ slippers all the time. Inside and outside. This was the most difficult change as I have spent most of my life bare footed. Learning to wear comfy slippers inside was a challenge. In winter it will be easier.
Reminder: Toe Nail Fungus doesn't like
Sunlight / Fresh air
Clean DRY enviroments
Mycocide - Walmart $20.00 Camp Phenique, Vicks Vapor Rub, Sea Breeze Astringent
Attention of any kind ( it likes to be left alone and go unnoticed.)
Alcohol based products
Tea Tree oil /Tea Tree oil soap scrubs daily
So, provided you keep the above in mind, fungus should not be on your feet.
Please reply and let me know how your are doing with your efforts.
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